About Me

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Reston, Virginia, United States
Mr Sheth is a wanna be technical evangelist with more than 17 years experience (# of years is just a number) , he is focused on functional programming and Cloud technologies. Mr Sheth works with a mission driven organization and is focused on helping students and educators to do their day to day work with ease and smartness. Currently he is working with Collegeboard as Cloud Architect with Enrollment Group. He started with core product that delivers Estimated Family Contribution (INASaurs team) and now helping powerfaids group with their cloud move. Recent achievements: - Helping engineer to learn new technologies in his group. Designed CDK workshop for programmatic infrastructure deployment. - Event driven task management system. - Designed passive monitoring system that notifies DevOps team with in 3 secs of event occurrence with complete details about the event. To enable this monitoring, it requires minimal changes for existing component or new components. This also gives complete visibility in deployed serverless stack as well as react/JavaScript based single page app.

Friday, September 2, 2011

CKEditor Integration with ALUI/Webcenter Portal

Basic Information:

  • CKEditor is a text editor to be used inside web pages. It's a WYSIWYG editor, which means that the text being edited on it looks as similar as possible to the results users have when publishing it. It brings to the web common editing features found on desktop editing applications like Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.

    o   This framework is build using Javascript, where you need to mention the base path to the application, which will create a CKEditor instance.
    o   When you deploy remote application developed using ASP.Net on ALUI/Webcenter portal using .net accelerator, CKEditor does not work as mentioned in one of the demo (CKEditor in ASP.Net applications). Main reason for this is .net accelerator changes javascript call and gateway url.


    • To overcome this limitation you need to use javascript running on individual page and create the CKEditor.

    • On load of the page CKEditor can be created around textbox/textarea.

    • When you create CKEditor instance using JS script it will not able the entered text in view state.

    • To overcome this limitation on submit you need to call another javascript function and store entered text in to hidden variable.

      CKEditor User Control Specification(RTE.ascx): 

      You need to download ckeditor latest source code. (download)

      <asp:HiddenField ID="hdnContent" runat="server" />
      <asp:HiddenField ID="hdnControlID" runat="server" />
      <asp:TextBox ID="txtRTEEditor" runat="server" TextMode="multiLine"></asp:TextBox>

      public partial class RTE : System.Web.UI.UserControl
              public String RTEContent { get { return hdnContent.Value; } set { txtRTEEditor.Text = value; hdnContent.Value = value; } }

              protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
                  if (IsPostBack)
                      txtRTEEditor.Text = hdnContent.Value;
                      hdnControlID.Value = txtRTEEditor.ClientID + "|" + hdnContent.ClientID;

      JS Specification on main page where you need CKEditor (Default.aspx):

      How to include user control:
      <%@ register tagprefix="uc" tagname="RTE" src="~/UserControls/common/RTE.ascx" %>

      <div class="NewAppDivClass" id="NewAppDiv" runat="server">
      <uc:RTE ID="TopicRTE" runat="server" />

      Include ckeditor js file.
      <link type="text/css" href="css/editsite.css" rel="StyleSheet" lang="en" />

       Following js function should be called on load of page load.

      window.onload = LoadRTE$$PortletID$$();
      ·         Since this function needs minimum time to create instance we should remove the pageload call using setTimeout function.(using 100 mili sec as timeout time)

      //Js function called on load of the page.
      function LoadRTE$$PortletID$$()
              var pointer=0;
              for(var i=0;i<document.form1_$$PortletID$$.elements.length;i++)
                  var idd = document.form1_$$PortletID$$.elements[i].id;
                  if (idd.indexOf("txtRTEEditor")>=0)
                      var instance = CKEDITOR.instances[idd];
                      if (pointer==0)
                          toolbar : [ ['Source','-', 'PasteFromWord','SpellChecker','Subscript','Superscript','SpecialChar'],],               
                          on : {
                                  instanceReady : function( ev )
                          toolbar : [ ['Source','-','PasteFromWord','SpellChecker','Subscript','Superscript','SpecialChar'],]                   
      //JS function called on submit to capture the CKEditor text value
      function GetRTE$$PortletID$$()
              for(var i=0;i<document.form1_$$PortletID$$.elements.length;i++)
                  if (document.form1_$$PortletID$$.elements[i].id.indexOf("hdnControlID")>=0)
                      if(document.form1_$$PortletID$$.elements[i].value != '') {
                          var temp = document.form1_$$PortletID$$.elements[i].value;                  
                          var ctl1_id=temp.substring(0,temp.indexOf("|"));
                          var ctl2_id=temp.substring(temp.indexOf("|")+1,temp.length);

      I would advice to call div onload event from Defalut.aspx.cs file. Like:

      NewAppDiv.Attributes.Add("onload", "javascript:LoadRTE"+getPortletID()+"();");
                      Response.Write("<script>setTimeout(\"LoadRTE" + getPortletID() + "()\",100)</script>");